Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Pressing on.....

         Today, I was reminded of a very important fact we often overlook in our walks with Christ. These past few weeks have been almost unbearable for me. I will not lie, a few times I almost felt like throwing in the towel. I have been suffering with financial issues, sickness after sickness, problems with our vehicle, just one thing after another. I have been in prayer a lot over these tough times I am facing and I have asked the question, "Why God? What are you trying to tell me? When will it all end?".
          This morning was the final straw for me. I had to take my son to the emergency room and as I sat there in the waiting room, I started thinking. I was really worried because of my sons past health history but it was like suddenly I felt as though He was telling me "Don't worry! I am taking care of this." If I hadn't felt that momentary interuption what would I have done? I hate to say it but I would have kept worrying. I would of kept doubting Gods ability to keep His promises. I would of sat there wondering to myself "Ok God, where are you? I could really use some help right now!" And I find myself doing that a lot lately.
           I find myself getting angry because I try to the best of my ability to follow God and His will but these terrible things keep happening. The reason is I am spoiled. We are all spoiled. We spend so much time focusing on all the wrong in life that we often over look the rights. We have been conformed by this world to have a very low threshold both physically and emotionally. When pain and suffering hits we take the easy way out and ask God Why when in reality we don't have the right to. All of us our guilty of this at one time or another, but the truth is, when we do this we make our problems bigger than God. We make our hurts and our suffering more important than God. We should be standing up saying "Oh boy, you don't know what you are up against! Don't you know who my Father is????!!!"
          All we are doing when we allow this to happen is letting something else in this world take the focus off of what is really important. GOD! When this hit me, I litterally felt like crawling under a chair and hiding in shame. I don't have enough fingers to count just how many times I myself have done this in the past weeks. Am I going to go hide under that chair? No. That is what Satan would want me to do. Instead I will press on. I will keep this reminder in a place close to my heart and when something else comes up I will remember to let God take the wheel. I will remember that even though I feel like giving up sometimes, God will never give up on me. And when I think I can't take anymore I will remember that it is just Satan trying to deprive me of what is important in life, my relationship and focus on following Christ. I pray that we all find that strength that God is so willing to give us, to just keep pressing on!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Lisa. Keep following God's leadership. Many times we don't know what's up, where we're going, why we're here, etc. But the great news is that God does and He'll take care of us no matter where He leads us.
